Thursday 8 May 2014

Project throughout the whole semester

 The first project- Research about AUTISM and 'translate' to infographic

The second project: Art lab about for AUTISM which you have to produce an art lab from your research in the previous project. Seriously is a bit tough because is the very first time for us to use computer, I don't really get used to it at the first time seriously, this makes quite a lot of problem@@

The final project therapy center: A lot of things happen actually, too many things happen that trouble me, but I walk-through it. I'm proud of myself too. 

The computer have problems and my file is like almost crash. I found this in the morning before we pin-up, is a terrible and special day. Im not able to open the file by my computer, so i rush to school to find computer with the software, however I can't really find it. One of the lecturer lend me her laptop but I could only open 1 board (should be 8 boards). I try and try until my 'daddy' recommend me to try in another software. Luckily it's work! I thought that things would be better after that but the bigger problem is coming to me.

The file couldn't save because it is too big, the frame that I ordered from outsider make the wrong dimension. The frame is too short and too slim from my requirement. It really bring me to the darkest moment. I'm almost cry that I know I can't do that, I'm almost give up that I'm starting to think about 'What if I give up', I'm almost die.........

Problem by problem I solve and solve, I use another special person laptop after she finish her work, thanks a lot! Luckily her laptop can use, seriously that laptop is amazing. While everything settle, I go to print my board in a stationary shop, the file couldn't open!! Is like everything become worst@@ luckily the shop OT for me to change the file format and print the boards although the result is not what I expected.

Thanks to the special person that fetch me also, thanks a lottttt!!
While I reach school, the lecturers come to me and help me to solve my problem's'. We doing step by step, the workmanship is already not important at all at that moment. Everything become not important at all, I just want the board to be there for presentation at the moment. Luckily I'm still able to finish it. Thanks to the lecturer that accompany me, help me and fetch me back home, thanks to the two special people also that fetch me and help me a lot. 

Although I am able to finish the work, but the work have quite numbers of tiny problems also. This is one of it...... The text is hidden and the picture is accidentally overlap... 

The label accidentally missing@@ but actually I did put in@@
The material board, thanks to aunty Tan that provide me quite a lot of materials <3 Too much to thanks actually XD
The model for the project, seriously... the workmanship is not that good and I actually can't produce any piece of it for the final presentation==" quite sorry actually... Haha.. But everything end perfectly, thanks again to eveyone, thanks for the challenge also, at least I have a special experience. 

Before you give up ask for permission... From yourself, from your effort, from you dream, from your future... Faith and courage, calm and passion. People never win but you can always be better...

The world is always beautiful^^ POSITIVE THINKING!

Thanks to Evon, Sherilyn, Ms Shar, Ms Norji (Bonda) and Mr Kamal (Daddy)

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