Monday 5 May 2014

Infographic Research

Info graphic is actually translate the Information to Graphic for a more simple understanding and also more attractive. Usually play with NUMBER, COLOUR AND SYMBOL. It usually play with hierarchy to differentiate the importance of the informations.
Some of the info graphic using sketches and labeling to show the information. As the pictures show, the drawings (graphic) are usually take 70-80 percent of the whole info graphic, some of them even higher. The reason is actually because an info graphic have to be more attractive so that people that pass by can stop for awhile to look at it. The information have to be summarize and easier to understand because we have to assume that people only have few minutes to take a look of your works.

Another important things is actually the colour scheme have to control nicely so that it won't look messy and of cause have a better visualization to attract people. Playing with symbol is normally use for info graphic so that people is easier to understand.

I try to put in some interesting part to live up my info-graphic. Is not really good but at least i tried something new, is a kind of challenge. But I'm dunno I'm going to face a bigger challenge after that. This board accidentally fell of and I have to fix it. Due to a lot a lot of things happen, I have someone special to help me on it. Thank you very much=)

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