Thursday 6 November 2014

RE: post for the Europe Trip

Between the time of thousand submission
Allow me to have a little small time to throwback the awesome moment

I believe that everyone have their own way to go and their own way to stop
Sometimes this doesn't harm any people beside you...

Another things that I believe is Travel always makes more understanding of the people that go we you in the trip... you will find a precious one and have a forever trip...

The memory that what I have now is the first feeling while we reach Eiffle Tower after few miles rushing here at there after check out from the airport... Carrying few kgS of luggage is like doing stamina training in the Paris. Is quite cool actuallyXDXD

You know sometimes we have to understand more about people and I really appreciate those that willing to help each other AUTOMATIC... I believe that I'm the one and usually I wont ask for 'payback'...

After looking at the 'White Scene' from the waist of the Eiffle Tower, we went down by the escalator and it suddenly power on my dance power... I shake my body with the stainless steel shining handle beside the window... The women besides me star at me for few seconds and start laughing after that... Seriously... I really hope to do something stupid and crazy in others country because I always thaught that I won't easily meet people that know meXDXD How positive I am then I will start telling what stupid things I did within this 10+ days. Is stupid but is totally fun... HAHAHA~~

I can still remember, that day while I first travel so long time with Emirates (Meals)... Is totally amazing and unbelievable. U can't imagine I was asking for menu just to go through the food on the flightXD Besides, the menu is totally wonderful by listing a lot of wine/ alcoholic drinks on top... Seriously funny... At start I'm not sure that it is free or all will be charge... after that it is super nice because this flight includes meals~~ After start taking the bottle for me... some of them start asking for thatXDXD the fod is so delicious but is too sad that I din get the chance to eat maggie... because too tired edyTT

Oh ya, microwave food, we actually decide to have microwave party while we are in Paris since second day but we cant make itTT because casino close too earlyTT... haha... ok well... casino is super market... hahhaha while we talk about this while we on the way, 1 guy actually stare at me while we talking about we want go casino do this do that... I seriously feel funny actuallyXDXD

I can still remember which happiest moment that I have... Which is so memorable to me... it is the disneyland day... I din realize that Disneyland is so big until cant finish in one day, we reach while it is open... went when it is close... still... not enoughTT While reach Disneyland, I bought myself a cap... Which is something like graffiti, few of us buy also^^ haha~~ We should wear together one day ^^V  After start exploring the studio park... we accidentally choose the tower of terror for the first ride... Is so scary until I can feel like Im flying on disneyland sky... is like stop and go, stop and go... But the funny things is the women that act like a horror escalator woman... hahaha...
Watching the parade, fireworks and show, force weiwen to sit the ride... it looks so normal for the ride but is terrible excited...

There are a lot of happy moment while there is some scary moment too... Some of us money get cheated and some of us surround by people which they plan to cheat her moeny... The dirty street is some how not that romantic... Vandelism( Although some street is really nice)... This scene is a bit normal in Paris as it is not the first imagination that gave me... Seriously hope that I could have the chance to breath on the clean and romantic Paris, but maybe is too late? hmmm...

Talk a bout London, I actually spend my time with my cousin... Although is short but I'll never forget how it is... Enjoying the night view by walking a long the thames river, london bridge bridge tower.... some how is just so nice for us to relax... I understand that she is quite busy but thanks for paying your time and money to come to meet me^^ Is so happy to see you~~ seriously^^ Walking in the market and try out all the food they have... I always feel like to become a traveller, at least we have to be brave in trying all different kind of culture... Is so nice to walk around the market, the strawberry is so sweet, the mini tomato is so juicy, the cheese, the cracker, and the people is just so kind to allow us to try everything^^

Spending the time in London make me feel more safe and relax... Although there is thousand of assignment waiting behind the trip... I still get my time to relax for few days...

Sometimes I feel like people have to be courage on trip but you have to assure your safety... If trip is going in group, please think about the other... They might worry you... And you have to know that some of them is in charge of the trip and your action and attitude will affect the trip schedule... Attitude Attitude... Is a really important things that everyone should have either you have million/ billion of assets or just a sinlge cent...

Anyway.. the trip end safely and happily...

p/s: The man in Europe some how is a way for my eyes to enjoyXDXD  hahaha... is so handsome and man seriouslyXDXD hhahahaha

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