Monday 17 August 2015

That trip in Selangor

When we say trip, is all about exploring and understanding. Somehow is not about how far you could go but how deep you could see. After exploring London and Paris (Experiencing Culture 01) last year, I step up to Minor 04: Experiencing Culture 2, and this time we are going to explore a nearer place to our campus in KL, Selangor. As usual, I'm given the task to write about the trip.

When we were told that we are going to experience in Selangor, is quite a surprise and we are wondering what can we do at there, plus we are spending 3D 4N there. Even my friend who home town is Kuala Selangor is curious about the activities that we could explore and enjoy at there. But, after doing research about the areas and stuffs, is just sound fun because the best thing that I really like to explore is FOOD! Selangor has the largest population within Malaysia, and they are mostly Malay. However their cultures are influenced by the Javanese, Bugis and other ancestry that makes the uniqueness of the state to compare to the others. That's why ---------- FOOD !!!!!!

This time around, Sem02 and Sem03 juniors are joining us and I really have fun spending with those youngster (although I'm only 22 yrs old). To be honest, I only know few of the juniors as I just went back from Internship past 6 months and within that periods, I didn't meet any juniors especially the sem02 kids. Thats why I really hope to have an ice-breaking session on the bus to know them more but... Hmmmm.... Ya, I did it, but a bit late, and is not on the bus. Haha... Well, whatever.

Ah Mak House
Factory Display
Bald paddy field

The very first stop of our trip is [Commercialize] Paddy Factory. Although is fun, but I rather choose to visit the traditional one. But, ya, as part of the journey, this is a must visit place as that area is the main economical income for Selangor state. In the factory, we have a short lecture about the process from the seedling to rice. Unfortunately, when I visit there, is the after harvest period where all of the paddy field are 'bald'. After awhile we went to Ah Ma House to have a look. The house was well design in a retro style but modern way. Other than reshaped the traditional look of the building, they sell a lot of 90's kids snacks and toys which bring back all of my young time memory.

' When we are young, sometimes we don't follow what the elder said, 
we make mistake, we learn from it and nothing stop us on moving and growing. 
Flip back my young-thought and I think... maybe... 
we should think young and have fun, just like a designer.'

Baaaaaaaa! Journey START!!

THEN.. The food journey START!!
Having very first lunch in Sekinchan, we search the location thru 4 square, and they bring us to a Chinese coffee shop, Restaurant The Family. We try their coffee bread, soft bread. I order a plate of Ginger Duck rice and coffee, it's just taste awesome. The taste of home cook. Brown colour sauce with ginger taster, slightly salty but the sweetness of the duck meat. Smell it, is ginger and soysauce, I'm wondering, how long can this be done to get this perfect taste. Awesome!

Coffee Bun @ The Family Restaurant
Ginger Duck Rice @ The Family Restaurant

Back to the path, with the fried prawn cracker that I bought. I share with most of them in the bus. Doesn't this sounds sweet? <3 hahaha.. Well, when come to food, taste get better when you share! Haha! Next stop, Nan Tian Temple. A chinese temple in Sekinchan. We spend around an hour plus minus at there to have a casual talk with an artist that draw the float for the parade. This is a kind of traditional business however in Malaysia is not really popular.

Container Hotel, Farm Ville cafe & Homestay. We mingle around for 15-20 min. Too bad that is not totally open to public. We can just enter to the cafe and take photo form the glass door. But is just so cool even is just a 2-month-old hostel. Along the road to the next stop, Mango King, you can just found out the new coming container hotel is just all around. We call this commercialize.

Farm Ville cafe & Homestay
Nan Tian temple

Hmmm... Seems like we are not really lucky. Two bus with full of passenger just stop by at the shop roughly 20 minutes earlier than us and they had bring all of the mango king away. We can't even find one which is sad. But still, I have bought 1 tiny piece to share with my friend. Taste not bad. The man and lady in the shop keep let us to try their fruits. Mango, guava, ciku and so on. Some of it taste really really good. The original fruit taste is just so refreshing.

Spending whole day to walk around, we finally check-in to SEKIN hotel resort.A very nice environment to take photos and also a  5-6 floors tower to enjoy the sunset. Isn't this nice? We walk to the seaside nearby and explore at there. We try to make wishes to the big tree by throwing the red cloth, having dinner at the seaside's hawker. AND! Best moment of the trip, BLUE TEARS. We are so lucky that we could see the blue tears. Even is just thru the waves, but is so nice. All of us are shouting at the seaside when we see the blue tears. Is just so excited and so cool.

Although we tried to take photo or video. And the first day end after spending few hours with juniors playing card games until midnight.

Fishing Village opposite Sekin Resort entrance
Fishing Village opposite Sekin Resort entrance

Back to the journey in the morning after having Nasi Lemak as breakfast in resort. This time, we head up to Sabak Bernam and explore around there. The first stop is Kelong Paradise. We didn't grab the change to go to the outer sea but explore at the seaside.

Sometimes we look further to get the overall view.
Sometimes we look deeper to get to know the details and mini creature.

Bagan Nakhoda Omar
Cool about NATURE
Find a path and make it yours

Spending time around the seaside, have a short talk with a local clam-digger lady. She is quite surprise that we can find this place as this is not a tourist spot. She dig some clam, a normal clam in a green-grayish shell. From her information, there is a seaside which is further up, have a cleaner and nicer seaside which have more clam to dig and is a better variety of clam. After walking around seaside, we walk in to the fishing village nearby. Walk on top of the pranks and concrete blocks flooring, with the smell of fisheries, we stop by in a hut and have a talk with the son of the sea--fishermen. Is just so cool. We even experience climbing down to the fisherman boat. Takes me long time to climb down, makes me feel so dangerous O.O but for those fisherman just takes a second and pung! pung! pung! down to the boat. So cool~! One the end of the 'street', there is an uncle are making fish net with the others family members. We have a short talk with him and found out that he have a lot of kids and some of them are still studying, he have to pay for their fees and also for himself even some of the kids had start working and did give him some pocket money monthly but he have not spend much time with them as some of them are working in other state. To understand and explore Selangor, I will recommend to have some interaction with the local fishermen to find out the uniqueness of Selangor. If you are lucky, please grab the chance to go out to the sea to get fish with those man.Again! Lunch time, I have lunch with the lecturers, tried some prawn noodles (Mee Udang), is just so nice. The taste of their soup definitely makes you feel like is 100% make from the real prawn. The sweetness of the prawn, a little bit of spicy, it just taste so nice and hope to have it again.  Here comes the funny things, some of the students went to Raya Open House nearby to enjoin the feast, and through the phone, we know that they have mutton. The lecturers were so excited and wanted to try so much however we couldn't make it.

After lunch we visit the Sabak Bernam District Museum which is recommended from some of the blog. however I think is not really necessary, due to the less information in the space. But if you are interested with the history of Sabak Bernam and the way to fish and plants, you can spend around 30-45 min and have a look at there. Here comes the foods that I highly recommend--- LELA BEST NASI AMBE'NG, a long the road of Kuala Selangor-Teluk intan, opposite Sabak Bernam District Majlis. Nasi Ambe'ng is a kind of Javanese food, is a disches where they mixed the rice, fried noodles, fired chicken/ soy sauce chicken, vegetable and some coconut flesh. Is really big portion for me and is just RM5.00 which is super cheap.

Lela Best Nasi Ambe'ng 
Riverview Seafood Restaurant

After this heavy tea-time, we went back to hotel and I accidentally slept while my classmates next door are playing the watermelon MOLE game. Is super funny because one of the cute lecturer couldn't find out their differences before and after the mole is drawn as punishment. After that we have dinner at the seaside where I have the breakfast sketch club with some of them few months ago. Quite lack of budget due to the price for the seafood in the RIVERVIEW reastaurant is sort of expensive. We just order few dishes and it cost around 200+ for 10 of us with only fried prawn, 2kg crab, beancurd and bun. I don't recommend this restaurant but can try another one around there which is 5 minutes driving distance from there. You can have fullsets of seafood that you like includes a fish, crabs, mantis shrimp, prawn, squid for only not more than RM300 for 10 with all the drinks, rice and bun+ river view too.

After that we went on boat and check out the firefles. Kind a sad because the fireflies actually get lesser to compare to few years ago due to the pollution around the areas. But still, we get the chance to have a look too. I quite recommend this activities as fireflies is getting lesser nowadays, so maybe can bring your kids to have a look on these wonderful creature. BUT! Remember, not to use any flash light while you take photo AND actually is quite hard to get the photo of fireflies.

Back to the hotel, some of us, Sem06 students have decided to have an ice-breaking session for all of us and thank you so much to all the juniors that willing to join although only 4 out of 10 seniors joining due to the tutorial for final semester. We start the session with simple introduction like names, nicknames and where we from to have a simple introduction for all of us to know the others a bit more. Some small games are arrange to makes the atmosphere looks slightly better, just spending roughly 45 minutes to get this done to makes the juniors know us more. Quite a lovely and peaceful night. Then, again Cards games time in Junior's roomXDXD hahaha~~ 3am is just nice to end all this up~~ so lovely~

WAITING with smile on face
Semester 06 Tutorial
Pass-MESSAGE session

After breakfast, we check out hotel and  meet with the tour guide of Homestay Sungai Haji Dorani. By bringing us to the Light Industry and Nata de Coco Factory. After all of the factory visit. we have a light meals at Homestay Sungai Haji Dorani and continue to experience the batik drawings. They have draw the pattern for us and provide us all of the brush and paint to paint. All of us having great time, even the lecturer try out on that too. Spending time with all the artistic fellows and so do the lunch. Thanks for all of the food, is really really nice and yummy. Here comes the best part of the tour!!! Fish catching in the paddy field. It looks easy but really take time to get used to it!! I have caught 1 by my own!! is it cool~~! <3  Highly recommend this wonderful activities and I swear that most of you guys will definitely get excited and can't stop when you catch 1,2,3... more and more~Thank you so much for bringing us around!!

Colour your life with MUD. Fish Catching session
Batik Experience

Guess what's next? XD Yup is DINNER TIME... This time we are doing BBQ D.I.Y., we went to the market before we back to hotel, we spot one shop and buy all we need at there. Squids, prawns and fish. Doesn't this sounds wonderful. Don't miss out trying all of the seafood at there, never miss
out. Simply get a polystyrene box with few bucks and the shop where you buy fish and so on will provides you ice to keep your ingredients fresh. After buying all of the ingredients, we start preparing food once we check in hotel at the KABIN @ Pantai Remis. Is a wonderful place will all simple stuff. Although is a bit pack. After spending more thn an hour to clean all the seafood we bought, we start to do the seasoning, is awesome. We did the BBQ, and after finish is already late night. Thanks for all of the food preparation and after party team. We have had a great night. So, what's next? If you thought that I'm still spending the last midnight with cards game in Juniors room, than you are right!! Hahahaha... BUT... after tutorial, what a cruel moment. Anyway, heavy rain and strong wind come to visit us in that night, but this will never stop me to play! Hahaha~~ Spending few hours to play with the kids and thanks Flo to send me back by using umbrella. Just so sweet~

Fishing Village @ Pantai Remis
Last day of the TRIP. Free and easy time until checkout time. After having simple breakfast with firends, we walk around the areas to find for something cool and fun, but at last we turn up in swimming pool in the hostel. Enjoy the last moment with all friends at there. Pity the sem02 kids that they still have task to finish up. After check out and have fun in the swimming pool, we went back to the bus and way back to KL.

2nd last meal: Kuang Hwa Seafood

2nd last meal in Kuala Selangor, Kuang Hwa Seafood  which is few steps away from the fish market, this time we order full sets of seafood( as mentioned in the first few paragraphs) Nice taste and a friendly uncle that serve us. After spending a wonderful and lovely lunch at there, we hop back to the bus and went to the last stop, Cendol Bakar, direct translate will be Grilled Shaved Ice, only spend few bucks for a lovely dessert as the ending of the trip is just wonderful and I even have another cup with me on the bus.

Then the trip, and I realize,

This trip will be the last trip in my uni life as an IA students in UCSI. 
Although is short but I have enjoy a lot while playing and get along with all of the friends. 
no matter where we go, sometimes is about who we go with. 
Thanks to everyone for making this wonderful trip, I just like it and love it so much. 
What a precious memory that I have for this last trip. 
Hope to spend more time with you guys too. 
Chill!! Let's young and fun!!

One more photo before leave

For those who are reading, and if you are planning to pay a visit to Selangor, enjoy your trip and take good care of yourself as you will be having a lot of skin contact with the UV ray from the lovely sun. For those that didn't plan to go to Selangor, do have a try at least once to this wonderful place. Thanks for reading my blog, hope you enjoy and get the information that you want. Bye!

Thursday 6 November 2014

5th semester of Design LIFE

This year our project is more about music experimental center which all of us have our though days.
Ok. The First Project will be propaganda poster, which we need to design a poster to promote  our selected music type. 
*Inspired by Leessang( a Korean Hip Hop Group)

Project 1: Propaganda
Project 2: Concept and Activity

In project 1, we have given a task to design a Poster which I tried to give out the energetic feel that fully represent HIP HOP. By having different kind of colours, and some scribbles on plywood using acrylic paint. By bringing out the Hip hop elements, scribbles of Graffiti, DJ, Rapper, Hip Hop Dance are done on the board too. Thus to lighten and makes the board stand-out more, a DJ turntable was done and fixed on the lower part of the board. The details of the 'turn table' was made in recycle material which is some unusable remote control, wire, cables and also CD.

The 2nd Project is about creating an Info-graphic board to show the activities, concept and organization chart. I make 'layer interlocking' as the concept for the project, to create a space which interlock the hip hop music and the social. Thus, from the word layer can refer to the hip hop activities which most of it are come in a lot of 'layers' or style to create the movement or music. While the word interlocking can also refer to the music of hip hop as usually hip hop music can be interlock with the others music too. The programme and activity will base on the 4 elements of hip hop.

Conceptual space model
Concept Model
Hip Clock Logo

Final Project: Presentation Board

Front Elevation and Side Elevation
Stick on the board

Model 1.1

Model 1.2
Model 1.3
Model 1.4

The final project which I am going to create a Hip Hop music center. This time around I try to use sticker and plywood as my media of presentation board. Is a bit hard to stick actually. While the LED light applied for the logo is quite costly but I really like the effect as it lighten up the uniqueness of the center. This semester I use computer to produce works, the elevation of the building, I actually remain the whole building because this time around we are taking the challenge to do the preserve building of a historical.

This semester, the progress is more independent, I learn to solve problem by myself while taking this semester, is still a lot of things to improve. And I don't really satisfied the work although I did put a lot of effort... I understand that there is a lot of problem happening is this semester which we can't blame ourselves and the lecturer also. Well, is an experience. Lets be positive and keep moving on!

Hope that we can get a good result at the same time all the best for our internship in coming semester~

RE: post for the Europe Trip

Between the time of thousand submission
Allow me to have a little small time to throwback the awesome moment

I believe that everyone have their own way to go and their own way to stop
Sometimes this doesn't harm any people beside you...

Another things that I believe is Travel always makes more understanding of the people that go we you in the trip... you will find a precious one and have a forever trip...

The memory that what I have now is the first feeling while we reach Eiffle Tower after few miles rushing here at there after check out from the airport... Carrying few kgS of luggage is like doing stamina training in the Paris. Is quite cool actuallyXDXD

You know sometimes we have to understand more about people and I really appreciate those that willing to help each other AUTOMATIC... I believe that I'm the one and usually I wont ask for 'payback'...

After looking at the 'White Scene' from the waist of the Eiffle Tower, we went down by the escalator and it suddenly power on my dance power... I shake my body with the stainless steel shining handle beside the window... The women besides me star at me for few seconds and start laughing after that... Seriously... I really hope to do something stupid and crazy in others country because I always thaught that I won't easily meet people that know meXDXD How positive I am then I will start telling what stupid things I did within this 10+ days. Is stupid but is totally fun... HAHAHA~~

I can still remember, that day while I first travel so long time with Emirates (Meals)... Is totally amazing and unbelievable. U can't imagine I was asking for menu just to go through the food on the flightXD Besides, the menu is totally wonderful by listing a lot of wine/ alcoholic drinks on top... Seriously funny... At start I'm not sure that it is free or all will be charge... after that it is super nice because this flight includes meals~~ After start taking the bottle for me... some of them start asking for thatXDXD the fod is so delicious but is too sad that I din get the chance to eat maggie... because too tired edyTT

Oh ya, microwave food, we actually decide to have microwave party while we are in Paris since second day but we cant make itTT because casino close too earlyTT... haha... ok well... casino is super market... hahhaha while we talk about this while we on the way, 1 guy actually stare at me while we talking about we want go casino do this do that... I seriously feel funny actuallyXDXD

I can still remember which happiest moment that I have... Which is so memorable to me... it is the disneyland day... I din realize that Disneyland is so big until cant finish in one day, we reach while it is open... went when it is close... still... not enoughTT While reach Disneyland, I bought myself a cap... Which is something like graffiti, few of us buy also^^ haha~~ We should wear together one day ^^V  After start exploring the studio park... we accidentally choose the tower of terror for the first ride... Is so scary until I can feel like Im flying on disneyland sky... is like stop and go, stop and go... But the funny things is the women that act like a horror escalator woman... hahaha...
Watching the parade, fireworks and show, force weiwen to sit the ride... it looks so normal for the ride but is terrible excited...

There are a lot of happy moment while there is some scary moment too... Some of us money get cheated and some of us surround by people which they plan to cheat her moeny... The dirty street is some how not that romantic... Vandelism( Although some street is really nice)... This scene is a bit normal in Paris as it is not the first imagination that gave me... Seriously hope that I could have the chance to breath on the clean and romantic Paris, but maybe is too late? hmmm...

Talk a bout London, I actually spend my time with my cousin... Although is short but I'll never forget how it is... Enjoying the night view by walking a long the thames river, london bridge bridge tower.... some how is just so nice for us to relax... I understand that she is quite busy but thanks for paying your time and money to come to meet me^^ Is so happy to see you~~ seriously^^ Walking in the market and try out all the food they have... I always feel like to become a traveller, at least we have to be brave in trying all different kind of culture... Is so nice to walk around the market, the strawberry is so sweet, the mini tomato is so juicy, the cheese, the cracker, and the people is just so kind to allow us to try everything^^

Spending the time in London make me feel more safe and relax... Although there is thousand of assignment waiting behind the trip... I still get my time to relax for few days...

Sometimes I feel like people have to be courage on trip but you have to assure your safety... If trip is going in group, please think about the other... They might worry you... And you have to know that some of them is in charge of the trip and your action and attitude will affect the trip schedule... Attitude Attitude... Is a really important things that everyone should have either you have million/ billion of assets or just a sinlge cent...

Anyway.. the trip end safely and happily...

p/s: The man in Europe some how is a way for my eyes to enjoyXDXD  hahaha... is so handsome and man seriouslyXDXD hhahahaha

Saturday 27 September 2014

Experiencing Culture- London

Journey continue to London...
and here we are^^

Day-05 On the Train and Arrival in Generator Hostel
Well... I couldn't even sleep for a minute in the train... and this is what I am doing@@
KING'S CROSS ST. PANCRAS--> tadaaaaaa~~ Arrived... Spot something interesting in the public area of the hostel. 

The Lion King Theatre

Well... is so so so so so incredible including the set up, the arrangement,the sound the everything~ is so unbelievable... I would go to see again once I have a chance to reach there.

And also we have a short walk in Convent garden and have our first meal in London--> Fish n Chips


In this building, is similar as Petronas Science Museum but is more bigger and professional... Including the product they sell, the arrangement, hand-on display unit, program and so on. The area have 5 floor but we can only proceed to third floor. Due to the time limitation, I actually have a fast 'pass by' for those information without hand-on activity or model/illustration attraction.

The best place is located at the 3rd floor which every equipment is waiting for you to experience. They don't direct give you answer through the display unit while you might need a guide to explain you a lot of knowledge in details. There are also a lot of activity been held in the center for example schedule experiment, school trip workshop, science discussion and so on. Activities are all arrange in a very detail and perfect way while the visitor can manage to try out a lot of things at there.

The other best exhibition hall for me is the hall that provide the history of the plane. The whole area is playing with a bridge just to let you see the plane nearer. By provide the darker lighting, the whole place is just like a place to park/stop the airplane while is not in-use. 

Oh ya, the best things for the museum is, is free~~ is a really nice place to explore, but maybe you can try to give out some donation for better maintain... 

Harrods--> Lilly White--> Convent Garden
Within the same day, we go to shopping!! Haha... I manage to bring some of them go to the market which selling a lot of interesting things in front of a church. Is special, is nice and is wonderful~~~ but too bad for us as we reach convent garden too late... and shop had already close...T.T

But, my friends did buy A LOT of clothes, shoes and bag@@ well... the price is quite attractive by the wayXDXD

Day-07 Change of Guard 

Early in the morning, we depart to the Buckingham Palace to watch the change of guard... is so crowded outside the palace while the opposite site is the Hyde park with trees and grass... we manage to see squirrels at there~~ is really WOW... after that we go to have lunch nearby the Kid's Discovery Center...

Kid's Discovery Centre and Olympic Park

The kid's Discovery center actually have a awesome ideas~ By started with the theme of Alien, they explore a lot of unique hand-on display unit. Is quite lucky for us because we can take photo easier as there is not much kids around there. 

About the Olympic park... Is still under construction, but for me is so new to see futuristic modern style building in UK... I quite like it^^ even I prefer to have more Heritage building... 

Historical Walk

Historical walk start from Big Ben, Cathedral, further view of London Eye, and other Historical Buildings around. Is so Incredible and the feeling is so unique after I see all those modern building and now go back to heritage building...

Oh, look, Hakim, Ms Sharmila and I are going in to the wall... swooshhhhhh~~ hahhhhaha... Well... we manage to take this picture in King's Cross Station and since is night time... we no need to queue for it XDXD LUCKYYYY~~ 

Day-08 Tate Modern and Tower Bridge 

After walk around in Arsenal stadium, part of us decide to leave the stadium without having tour inside. We depart to Tate Modern and start to Explore it... Is quite similar as the Pompodou in Paris... I mean the art work... 

After that we walk through the long bridge in front of it and have our Lunch--> Fish n Chips (again) at the road side. 

We reach London Tower and start to find our lecturer... But actually they are at Tower Bridge... What a misunderstanding... How Nano and I found it out is... We look snap their photo from far and zoom in to check their face... BINGO... we got it correctXDXD Seriously is fun rightXDXD

Royal Festival Hall & Meet up with Eva 

After walk around in Tower Bridge, we go to Royal festival hall, we are so lucky to found out there is a 'Night Market' which sell a lot of foods, cheese, jam and so on. There is a lot of delicious food while I can't actually try all.

After few hours tasting around, finally I manage to meet my cousin sister--> Eva... Feel so warm to meet siblings outside from your country~~~~~~ We walk along the river back to the tower bridge... after check in Hotel, we have dinner at a Spain Restaurant... Is really nice... you pay what you eat seriously... it really worth and hope that you all can have a try on their food if any of you manage to visit there... I will find out the name and show out after that...

Day-09 Gherkin, Lloyds

After having breakfast in Hotel we Eva, we decide to go to Gherkin and Lloyds... B-U-T............. There is such a long queue from the entrance all the way long to the shop opposite... few like it queue few miles away from entrance=='That's why I didn't manage to go... Hmmmm~~ well... is good enough for me already... at least I still manage to take photoof the exteriorXDXD 

Borough Market

The best place to experience the culture is MARKET... because a market usually have a lot of local selling stuff and local that always visit... including the food, pastry, pickles, cheese, jam, nuts and so on. Is quite hard to explain but I really hope that people that visit there can try out this unique market^^

British Museum and Gallery

This is the British Museum that actually located few steps from Generator Hostel... Is a bit different to compare the outside and inside as the inside part is like another world...

This is the mummies exhibition in the British Museum that attract me a lot. I manage to see the mummies from different century and level. After that we have a light-bite and we go to the Gallery and see Sunflowers~~~ is WOW... Is like I saw the real things from the reference book @@

After walk around, we go to buy souvenir for my family and have a last meal(Ramen) in London... Eva, thanks for being taking care of me in London. I hope you stay well and take care of yourself anywhere anytime^^ Miss you...

This trip end after the night bus depart from London to Paris...After transit to Paris Airport... We depart and say Hi to the reality... 

Before the reality we stop in Dubai for few hoursXDXD... well... Emirates food is incredible NICEEEEEEEE  XDXD haahha

Last but not least,
Thanks for the arrangement of bringing us to London and Paris... Hope that we can have a next trip in coming year^^ 

p/s: More information will be uploaded ASAP~~